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Creating a vehicle for GTA V: COMPLETE TUTO

Is it difficult?

Contrary to popular belief, no! Thanks to this tutorial, any beginner will be able to build the vehicle of his choice quite easily!

For how long?

The time it takes to create a mod depends on the pace at which you work. For a very successful vehicle, you'll need several hours a day.

What can we do?

Cars, trucks, buses, planes, helicopters, boats, motorcycles, trailers, submarines... you name it!

Do I need a big PC?

Your PC doesn't have to be a war monster for modding! Mine is far from being one, yet I make high-quality mods.


Here's the ultimate tutorial for learning how to convert any vehicle from any game, as well as professional 3D models, to GTA V. In this written tutorial, accompanied by videos and screenshots, you'll learn all the steps involved in creating your mod, so you'll be able to create a vehicle for GTA V all by yourself.

Some useful information

First and foremost, modding may seem very complex, but it really isn't. Don't believe what people say. Don't be fooled by what people say, and don't think it takes months to build a vehicle. To put it simply, all you need to learn how to do is CONVERTIR a 3D model of GTA V and its materials and textures, not create it from scratch (even if it were possible, it would require a lot of patience and work).

Let me make one thing clear IMPORTANT before starting the tutorial: since the start of the GTA V modding tutorials I've been getting more and more messages on my Facebook and Twitter pages from people wanting info or learning new things. I've got nothing against you really, but I hardly ever reply to them for the simple reason that there are far too many of you out there with different problems. Case-by-case modding is simply impossible, I can't give independent modding lessons to each and every one of you, it would take up an enormous amount of time knowing that I also have a life besides YouTube and modding. This tutorial is here to put an end to all those peculiar questions. It aims to teach you in detail all the steps, itemized and illustrated with screenshots for each of them. I'm sorry, but I'd like to inform you in advance that I won't be answering any more independent questions related to this tutorial page. It's all there, everything you need to succeed, now it's up to you. Thank you for your understanding. 



Before you start

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All the vehicles I currently build can be seen directly at this link for those interested

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My name is Guillaume and I'm passionate about videos and technology. To find out more, click on the button above.

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