Create a vehicle for GTA V

Here is the ultimate tutorial to learn how to convert any vehicle from any game, as well as professional 3D models to GTA V. In this written tutorial accompanied by videos and screenshots you will learn all the steps needed to creating your mod and will therefore be able to create a vehicle for GTA V alone.

Do not be surprised, all the steps of this tutorial will not be carried out on the same vehicle, it is quite normal and does not stop to follow the steps, it is simply to have all the scenarios to explain.

Some useful info:
Be aware that modding, although it seems very complex, is actually not really. Do not rely on what people say, do not believe that making a vehicle takes months. To make it simple to learn to do is to convert a 3D model to GTA V as well as these materials and textures, not to create it from scratch (even if it is possible, it would take a lot of patience and work). I want to clarify an IMPORTANT thing before starting the tutorial: since the beginning of the modding tutorials on GTA V I have more and more posts on my Facebook page and Twitter from people who want information or learn new things . I have absolutely nothing against you, but I almost never answer it for the simple reason that you are too numerous and you have different problems. Case by case in modding help is simply impossible, I can not give independent modding tutorial to each of you, it would take a lot of time knowing that I also have a life next to YouTube and modding. This tutorial is here to end all these special problems. It aims to teach you in detail all the steps, detailed and illustrated with screenshots for each of them. I am sorry but I inform you in advance that I will no longer answer the independent questions related to this tutorial page. Everything is said, everything is there to succeed. Thank you for your understanding.

I do not put that button in there in order to ask for anything. This page asks me weeks of involvement with several hours per day of editing to achieve a perfect result. All this work is done for free and is offered for free for the simple purpose of helping people to progress in modding but also by passion to teach others new things and open up modding to more people.
So if the urge takes you, you can support my work just by clicking on this button, even the smallest donation is highly appreciated.


SUMMARY: (Click on the arrow on the left to go to the page)
â–ºPrerequisites: Software, plugins, templates, texture packs.
â–ºThe preparation of the model.
â–ºTexturisation of the model: Detailed explanations of shaders and textures.
â–ºHierarchy: Grouping of components, attaching, detaching parts.
â–ºCreation of compounds.
â–ºFinalization of the hierarchy.
â–ºAddition and adjustment of wheel collisions.
â–ºAddition and adjustment of collisions of other car components.
â–ºAdding and placing script elements.
â–ºAdjusting the steering wheel to make it rotary.
â–ºAdjustment of the opening of the doors, hood, chest.
â–ºAdjusts the lights to make them illuminate properly.
â–ºEdit the window panes and the windscreen to make them untintable.
â–ºMake a perfect reflection on its mirrors.
â–ºMake the windows breakable.
â–ºAdd a digital or classic needle dials.
â–ºCreate a template to make the vehicle compatible with custom skins.
â–ºExport the model, create the texture file ".YTD", make it functional in-game as an add-on or replace.
â–ºTest the vehicle.
â–ºSet up a good quality file for a publication of your mod on the internet.
â–ºFurther information.

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