
Be anonymous and secure on the Internet with a single click

Be protected and anonymous on the net with just one click thanks to X-VPN!

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In this video and this article I will talk to you about the principle of a VPN. In my case, I use the VPN « X-VPN", which has become for me the best of all while only a few weeks before I had never heard of it. Attention, I want to clarify that I do not give it the place of best in front of all the others, simply better for me, after everyone will think what they want. I also do not cover the application of flowers because they contacted me to talk about it, I always make a personal opinion on what I test and present.

VPNs have advantages and disadvantages, so we will first proceed with a list of the positive points of using a VPN:

Protecting your devices and data:
When you are connected to a public network or even your home network, you are not safe from a possible hack of your network making your data visible to a hacker. Using a VPN is therefore a very good way to avoid this worry of theft of personal information and the hacking of your various accounts on your device, because all your data will be encrypted effectively so that no one can get anything out of it. I invite you to watch Micode's video about hacking your personal data via connection to a public network at this link

Be anonymous on the internet:
A VPN allows you to hide your tracks on the internet and therefore be completely anonymous, thanks to the change of your IP address. No one will be able to follow your tracks, see which sites you visit or store any data, since your IP address will be different from yours. Access to a site will therefore be as if it were a computer other than yours that is connecting.

Illegal downloading:
Who says anonymity and untraceability necessarily says that no one will be able to come across you in order to judge you in the event that you use a VPN to illegally download anything from the internet such as films, software, games, music, etc. A VPN is therefore a good way to bypass Hadopi or other services used to punish this type of practice. Please note that in this article I am not encouraging you to download illegally from the internet!

Circumventing geographic censorship:
A very well-known case, especially on YouTube, is that certain content is not available in a certain country. This video is not available in your country » thanks to a VPN that will change your IP address, you will therefore be located elsewhere in the world and will therefore be able to enjoy censored content. The same goes for Netflix, if you subscribe in France and you go on vacation abroad, you will not be able to enjoy your series in French, so to get around this problem you will have to use a VPN based on a French server. Same thing for sites blocked in certain countries!

Cheaper prices:
During multiple visits to a product for sale on a website, the latter can track you using your IP address and see that you are interested in the product, it will therefore increase the price of the product in order to earn a few more euros on the sale. This is a very well-known practice since it is used by airlines that increase the price of flights based on your visits. To counter this practice, simply change your IP address just before returning to the site once and for all in order to place an order.

Download without delay from internet hosts:
Some hosts offer premium accounts to their users in order to download various files on them with a better quality bandwidth, therefore a faster download, but also the possibility of downloading several files one after the other while with a free account or even without an account at all, you may have to wait about twenty minutes before downloading another file on the same site. By changing your IP address, the site will think that it is another person visiting the site and you will be able to immediately download another file.

And now we move on to the negative points of a VPN:

The difference between a free VPN and a paid one:
There are two types of VPNs available, free and paid. If you want to use a VPN in the long term and enjoy better servers, better connections and anonymity, it is better to opt for a paid VPN. The free ones offer servers that are not as optimized as the paid ones, so the connection speed is not the best, and some even limit the amount of data consumed, a bit like a mobile internet plan, you have xxGB to use per month for example. So you have to see according to your needs whether you need a paid VPN or a free one.

Connection speed: 
The main drawback of VPNs is bandwidth limitation, well, the problem improves over time, but from the moment you use a VPN to connect to a site instead of connecting to it directly, you will inevitably lose slightly in page loading time and download speed.

So as for the use of X-VPN, there is nothing simpler, just choose a server and connect to it with a single click. It is also possible to choose different connection protocols in order to prioritize certain options such as internet connection speed or security depending on what you are looking for.

X-VPN is available on all major platforms, namely Android, IOS, Windows (PC) and Mac. The connection on mobile is free and unlimited, however on PC you will have to dig into your pocket in order to unbridle the bandwidth and enjoy a decent speed. It is not even necessary to create an account to use it on mobile. Once installed, launch the application and choose a server to connect to and off you go!


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To download X-VPN, whatever your device, all versions can be found at this link for free!


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