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Photovision ✯ GTA V Photorealistic Graphic


PhotoVision is a photorealistic graphics mod developed by sly1286 to significantly improve the graphics of his game.

How to install it

Installing PhotoVision is extremely simple, just follow the instructions in the file provided in the PhotoVision archive.

Is it free?

Yes of course! PhotoVision is free like all my other mods on the internet! It is just exclusively downloadable on this page.

FPS drops?

Yes like any graphics mod PhotoVison causes a loss of FPS, but a very small one. If you can play with VisualV, you can with PhotoVision!

Discover the game from another angle

PhotoVision gives you the most beautiful visual experience for the game by completely changing the graphic aspect of the game without losing much FPS to keep an excellent gaming experience.

Watch the video

Here is a good video from my friend GTA Workshop to get a preview of PhotoVision before installing it. The video was recorded in ultra, without the Sweet FX filter

Origin of the mod

Originally developed for personal use by sly1286, a Flickr user you can follow on his profile just below (he makes beautiful screenshots on some games), I stumbled upon the mod by chance and asked him if it was possible to get it so I could take pictures of my modded vehicles before publishing them. He kindly accepted my request and out of respect I have obviously kept it private for the past six months. But he has now allowed me to publish the mod publicly, I think many of you will be delighted when I see the number of requests on each of my download pages!

You can make PhotoVision ✯ even more beautiful

To make GTA V even more beautiful I recommend you to use the following mods with  PhotoVision✯

L.A. Roads

LA Roads is a mod that modifies all the exterior concrete on the road, parking lots, airport, small streets, sidewalks… of the map by the textures of Google Earth to have ultra realistic roads

RAGE 4K Water

RAGE 4K Water is a mod that modifies the texture of water to have ultra realistic water in the ocean, swimming pools, lakes, rivers…


SpaceEngine is a mod that changes the skydome to a new one with a moon and a view of the stars in high quality. With this mod you have an amazing night sky!


Here is a gallery with high quality screenshots made by me. You can click on them to enlarge them for a better view. The game runs in 1920×1080 with almost all options on ultra.

All my car photos are made by PhotoVision ✯, you can watch them by clicking below

Download PhotoVision ✯

This page is the only one where you can download PhotoVision ✯. Please do not reupload the mod to another site.

You can follow me

If you want to know more about me you can follow me at these links



