
Secret code to boost your ANDROID smartphone

Discover a simple trick to boost your Android smartphone with a simple secret code!

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No A simple secret code is all you need to boost your smartphone or tablet. Android !

Simply go to your keypad as in the video, and as if you wanted to make a call enter the code *#9900# then wait for a menu to open. If nothing happens automatically, try clicking on the call button. If nothing opens, your smartphone or tablet is incompatible with this secret code, so you won't be able to use it. not boost it with this method.

If you have access to the menu, go to the DEBUG LEVEL and set it to MID. Your Android will now restart. When it starts up, a screen will probably show " Application optimization " Let it do so, and it will start up normally. You should now notice an improvement in the fluidity of your device.

Feel free to comment on the video by giving the make and model of your Android and say whether yes or no the secret code works for you, it could help people before wasting their time.

Made however attention to what you're doing in this secret menu! This modification is safe and risk-free! If you modify other parameters you're likely to run into problems!

A little extra for those who are interested, discover a secret code that allows you to have the 4G / 4G+ next everywhere THIS LINK.


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