Correct the problem of the lights/window lights/windshields/meter ... which turn black when tinted via a trainer or Los Santos Custom.

If you're a modder, you've OBVIOUSLY already experienced the problem of window tinting! When you tint your windows via a trainer or by going to Los Santos Custom with your vehicle to modify the tint, it's not just the side and rear windows that get tinted. In fact, you'll find yourself with the lights inactive (I'll come back to this later), the windows of the lights, the glass in front of the speedometer, and other elements all black!

So what goes black when we tint our windows? Simply all the parts of your vehicle that have a shader (in Zmodeler 3's material browser) set to: vehicle_lights, vehicles_vehglass and vehicle_vehglass_inner.

When I say inactive lights, I mean, for example, a turn signal that you've decided not to turn on, so you haven't set it to vehicle_lightsemissive but have chosen vehicle_lights instead, in which case it will turn black when you tint the vehicle's windows.

So, to correct this little problem, all we need to do is apply a color to a color channel in vertex selection mode AFTER checking that all boxes are ticked in the properties as shown in the video. Once this is done, deselect everything and return to object selection mode. Of course, you can - and indeed should - paint all materials at once.

Remember, the front windscreen can't be tinted! So take it with the lights and paint it too.

If it doesn't work in game, it's either that the properties are wrong, or that you haven't performed the manipulation correctly, so try again.
