- Win my Yamaha MT-09

Win my Yamaha MT-09

Here is how to activate ALL the lights of a vehicle correctly, by only having the light point, but turning on the whole texture of the lightire.

To do this, it is necessary to assign a certain shader as well as a ID in selection mode Vertex for each of the lights in Zmodeler 3. It may sound complicated when you say it like that, but it's child's play and you learn the IDs by heart over time!

The goal is to remove the bright point that appears as an overlay above its light (benefits: prettier light and replacing any vehicle with your modded vehicle since the light will adapt), and lighting up the entire texture of the headlight to make it look like the light is fully on.

This method works with everything: turn signals, headlights, taillights, reversing lights... And allows you to activate the brake light bar on all vehicles, even those that do not have one as standard.

To perform the manipulation you will need this data, the order is very simple to remember, after a while you will know it by heart:
Left headlight (headlight_l) : 1
Right front headlight (headlight_r) : 2
Left rear light (taillight_l) : 3
Right rear light (taillight_r) : 4
Left front turn signal (indicator_lf) : 5
Right front turn signal (indicator_rf) : 6
Left rear turn signal (indicator_lr) : 7
Right rear turn signal (indicator_rr) : 8
Left brake light (brakelight_l) : 9
Right brake light (brakelight_r) : 10
Center stop light (brakelight_m) : 11
Left reversing light (reversinglight_l) : 12
Right-hand reversing light (reversinglight_r) : 13
Full headlights (extralight_1 or other figures) : 14, 15, 16 ,17...

If even after that your lights do not turn on, it is because you have done something wrong or forgotten a step. If your lights are invisible under the protective glass of the latter, remember to put the material of the protective glass at the very bottom in the list of materials, and put your glass below the lights in the hierarchy.
