
Watch all TV channels for FREE

How about watching all TV channels for free without any software or application and on all platforms? Well, it's totally possible!

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How does it work? Simply through a completely free website that does not even require account registration. It is completely free to access and accessible from any platform. As a result, you will be able to watch all TV channels from your smartphone or tablet ANDROID, but still your Iphone or Ipad, or simply your PC

All French channels are included on the site including pay channels such as Canal+Eurosport, the chains SFROrange…etc… But you can also watch foreign channels. A large part of the channels american and English are available, and there are even some Japanese ! To change the country, simply hover over the "Countries" button at the top of the screen and then select the country of your choice.

A list of channels will appear, all you have to do is click on the one that interests you. You will then be redirected to a page with a video player, click on Play, and the TV starts live.

The viewing quality depends on your internet connection, but as seen in the video, even with a not very fast connection, the image is really very good.

To access the site simply go to the required elements area further down this page.


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Required elements is the only element required in order to watch all TV channels for free. The link is accessible on all platforms.


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