- Win my Yamaha MT-09

Win my Yamaha MT-09

Speeding up Windows startup on your PC without software is possible, simple and quick!

To speed up the startup of your PC you will need to do two things: the first is a change in the system configuration and the second is to change a setting in the BIOS.

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First of all, know that the boost will not be effective in the same way for everyone, everything depends on your hard drive or SSD but also on the number of programs that you deactivate from automatic startup and your RAM and processor.

As for changing the system configuration, nothing too complicated, edit the same settings as shown in the video. Once again, when changing the advanced settings, everything will depend on your PC, choose the maximum number of cores on your processor as well as the maximum RAM.

The tab "Services" should only be modified if you know exactly what you are doing, I don't talk about it in the video to keep it simple but be careful not to deactivate anything.

Regarding the deactivation of programs (what is done in the task manager) there are fewer risks, you can disable all programs if you really want to speed up the startup of your computer but you may encounter some problems. If for example you disable your audio manager, it will not launch by itself and you will therefore not have sound on your PC before you launch it manually. The same goes for your antivirus which will wait for its manual launch. I advise you to only disable unimportant programs or those that you do not use as soon as the PC starts.

Changing the BIOS can also help speed up the computer boot, for this you just need to put your main hard drive or SSD as the first device so that the BIOS analyzes it first and then takes care of analyzing your CD/DVD drive.
