Need a rather good quality microphone (depends on your phone) and for 0€? No worries! Plus no software needed!

A simple Jack cable (male / male) and your phone or tablet are enough to have a pretty cool microphone. Know that I recorded a huge part of my videos using this method!

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The sound recorded by your device of course depends on the quality of the latter depending on your device. Also note that the Jack cable also plays an important role, if it is frayed or has a bad contact the quality may be slightly deteriorated.

You can also use your laptop or tablet as a microphone on all devices that have a jack microphone input thanks to this tip.

Starting the application is nevertheless a little unusual, follow the order explained in the video to start using your microphone and avoid any problems (crackling for example).

To perform this trick you will need the Micro application which you can download ICI as well as a male-male jack cable, if you don't have one lying around you can get one at THIS LINK for not too much money.
