Here's a little personalization trick that lets you add album art to your music, and that works on Android as well as IOS, and of course PC and Mac.

The aim is to implant an image on a piece of music of your choice as album art, enabling the device playing the music (if compatible) to display the image you've defined.

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Handling is really quick and easy, and you can add much more than just an image if you touch the other parameters on the side, such as release date, band, singer, type of music... etc....

If you're worried about having a single image for all your music (not everyone does), all you have to do is rename each album differently. Basically, in the software settings (as described in the video), you fill in the album box with a different name for each track (e.g. in my case, each track has a different album number; 1, 2, 3...).

You'll need TagScanner software, which you can download here. ICIor simply follow the link in the video description on YouTube.
