- Win my Yamaha MT-09

Win my Yamaha MT-09

Did you know that you can connect anything that usually connects to a PC to your phone/tablet? You can use a USB stick, a hard drive, a keyboard, a mouse...

A simple USB OTG cable (found in video description) is enough to turn your phone into a real PC!

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The principle of this tip is to be able to plug and use any USB device on your Android phone/tablet without root and very simply.

It may be useful to connect your USB key or hard drive to it in order to save a little space by transferring your photos and videos using a file explorer (the basic one integrated into your device or one downloadable from the PlayStore). You can also connect a PC USB headset to it to have a much better sound than with a pair of headphones when you listen to music. Or you can connect a console controller if it is compatible to be able to play your favorite games with it! But these are just examples, you can really connect whatever you want to your Android thanks to this simple cable!

Here are some examples of what you can use and things I've tried:
► PC USB headset (great sound!)
► USB key (IMPERATIVELY formatted in FAT32)
► Hard drive (IMPERATIVELY formatted in FAT32)
► PS3 Controller (compatible with Sony Xperia Z series)
► Wireless / Wired Mouse
► Wireless / Wired Keyboard
► Home cinema / car radio USB input
► USB laser pointer

I insist on the point that to use a storage device it must be imperatively formatted in FAT32 to be recognized and usable on the phone. If you connect for example a hard drive that is not in FAT32 (most hard drives are in NTFS format), it will spin and flash but you won't be able to read any data, it will just consume the phone's power and nothing else.

If you are interested in being able to connect everything this way to your Android devices you can get a USB OTG cable on Amazon at THIS LINKor simply follow the link in the video description on YouTube.
