
Uploading photos to Instagram from your PC

Wouldn't you like to put all your photos on Instagram from your PC instead of having to go through a mobile device?

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You are an Instagram user and put a lot of photos there, but you are tired of constantly going through a mobile device to put them online, know that it is therefore possible to put them online from a PC directly.

To upload your Instagram photo from your PC you will need the small software Gramblr, it is free software and does not need to be installed on your computer, just download and launch it.

Once Gramblr is launched on your computer you will need to log in with your account Instagram, then creates a Gramblr account which will need to be confirmed by email afterwards. Now all you have to do is log in.

The software is very easy to use, only one category of it will interest us, it is the tab " Upload Now". So choose the photo to put on Instagram on your PC then resize it if you wish, for this several display formats are offered, you can define yours or leave the photo as is. 

On the next page you can apply the filters of your choice, there are a very large number of them and they are all configurable! The option " Motion » allows you to animate your photo if you wish. 

Finally, the last page allows you to type your description (you have access to an IOS emoji keyboard), your hashtags, tag people and choose when you want to post your photo. Because YES, Gramblr allows scheduling photos on Instagram! Just note that scheduling is only done if the PC is on, if for example you schedule one for 7pm but you turn off your PC at 6pm, then the photo will not be published.

You can download Gramblr in the required elements space further down this page.

Required elements

The links are monetized links (free for you). They help finance my work. When you open them, please wait 5 seconds, then click the button at the top right.

Fake GPS Location is the only app required for this trick, it is free and does not require Root rights.

Fake GPS Location

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