- Win my Yamaha MT-09

Win my Yamaha MT-09

Learn how to make a YouTube live very easily and customize it your way with this complete tutorial on OBS!

Making a YouTube live is not complicated at all, only one software is enough, OBS Studio to broadcast your content live on your channel. Learn how to live YouTube very quickly in this video.

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At the end of this tutorial you will be ready to broadcast any content live on your channel. I will also teach you how to add some elements to personalize your YouTube live, such as a real-time subscriber counter, an overlay, images, or even donations made by your community on your live.

The software to use is OBS Studio, it is available for free at the end of the article and it requires a configuration to be done yourself during the first launch. So start by downloading and installing OBS Studio. Once launched, as in the video start by creating a new project then enter all the parameters as indicated in the video. Change the output if necessary if you do not want to stream in 1920x1080.

Now add the different elements to be displayed on the screen (the order in which they appear is superposition, it is possible to place elements on multiple planes). Remember to adjust your microphone or speaker levels on the right. Place your images or overlay where you want if you have one, then add donations or subscribers live.

To view donations go to THIS SITE then click on Login. Then set up the interactions as shown in the video and then enter the browser source on OBS Studio. I advise you to uncheck "Subscribers" to avoid spamming your live messages. Then retrieve the link in the " tabDonation Settings" and place it in the description to allow your subscribers to donate to you and send a message in your video. The buttons Tests will allow you to see the result on OBS.

For comments you will have to go to THIS SITE and enter your username before retrieving the link and pasting it on OBS. Once on OBS, configure the CSS as said in the video to change the font or color of the counter then place it where you want.

To start the YouTube live simply click on "Start Streaming". Don't forget to never show your stream key or you'll have big problems with your channel because anyone can broadcast lives there!

The software to download is OBS Studio, it is available at THIS LINK or simply in a video description on YouTube.
