This pack, arranged by myself, contains over 5 GB of essential GTA V modding files! (compressed to 400 MB)
In this pack you'll find essential textures & a huge number of textures that will enable you to create any vehicle you want.
You'll also have access to blank DLC files and my blank publication folder.
Here's a quick overview of what you'll find in this giant pack:
As you can see from the previews just above, some bumpmaps are yellowish in color. In order to use them in Zmodeler and make them compatible with GTA V, you need to turn them purple. To do this, simply drag and drop a bumpmap into Photoshop, Gimp or any other editing program, EVEN Paint! And reverse the colors! It will then become the right color. I didn't bother with this task because, as you can imagine, it's extremely time-consuming, so I'll leave it to you whenever you need a particular bumpmap - it only takes 5 seconds.
Example with Paint :
CTRL + A, then right-click :
Click on " Invert colors " :
Save the image. If the direction of the bumpmap is not correct, as in the example above, change it by repeating the bumpmap creation procedure on Photoshop as explained in the tutorial.
This pack is sold for just 5€, and this money goes to support my work and my involvement in the vehicle conversion tutorial that took me months of work to write, and which is offered to you free of charge on this site. So it's only natural that my work should be funded in some way.
To purchase the pack, simply click on the button below: