Need a wireless keyboard/mouse kit fast and for free? Why not use your phone instead? Because yes, it is absolutely possible!

So not only does this trick work with an Android device whether it's a tablet or a phone, but you can do the same by turning an Ipad or an Iphone into a keyboard/mouse.

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Control your PC with your Android or IOS phone or tablet in real time by transforming them into a keyboard/mouse kit easily and for free! Everything is obviously done wirelessly.

As for the keyboard, it will simply be a keyboard a bit like on your phone while for the mouse the phone will serve as a touch pad (flat touch platform found on all laptops).

For this to work properly, you must of course install a small, very light software on your PC as well as an application dependent on each device, all the links are obviously given below as usual.

Other options are available with this application but are not necessarily all free, but of course the one that interests us is!

In any case, whatever your device, you will need the small PC software that can be downloaded from THIS LINK then you will need the application compatible with your device. For an Android smartphone or tablet follow THIS LINK, for an iPhone click ICI or for an Ipad ICI, or just follow the links in the video description on YouTube.
