Customize your Android notification LED easily, without root, for every application!

Thanks to a simple, lightweight and free application, you can completely customize the notification LED on your Android device, smartphone or tablet.

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Assign a different color and flash frequency for each application in no time at all. You have a huge choice of colors, with access to a complete palette of all possible colors (just don't choose a color that's too dark, like dark gray, or your LED will barely be visible).
Set the flashing interval of your LED in seconds, or simply leave it on permanently.

In addition to assigning these parameters to your applications, you can also program the LED to react according to certain events or parameters when they are activated. For example, you can set the LED to light up in a fixed color when you no longer have a network, wifi or mobile connection. Leave the LED on or flashing one color when airplane mode is activated, another color when Bluetooth is activated, the same for wifi...ect...

A cool setting lets you alternate the flashing of the notification LED. Normally, the LED only indicates the last notification received. If, for example, you've programmed a red flash for an SMS and a blue one for a missed call, and you get the SMS after the missed call, the LED will flash red only, but by activating the alternating mode it will flash red once, blue once. If you have more notifications, it will flash all colors!

It is of course possible to test each color by clicking on the "Test" button, and you will then be asked to lock your device if the LED does not light up when the screen is on.

If the application notification at the top of the screen bothers you, follow the steps shown in the video to deactivate it completely.

You'll need the Light Manager application, available from ICIor simply follow the link in the video description on YouTube.
