Contrary to popular belief, no! Thanks to this tutorial, any beginner will be able to build the vehicle of his choice quite easily!
The time it takes to create a mod depends on the pace at which you work. For a very successful vehicle, you'll need several hours a day.
Cars, trucks, buses, planes, helicopters, boats, motorcycles, trailers, submarines... you name it!
Your PC doesn't have to be a war monster for modding! Mine is far from being one, yet I make high-quality mods.
Here's the ultimate tutorial for learning how to convert any vehicle from any game, as well as professional 3D models, to GTA V. In this written tutorial, accompanied by videos and screenshots, you'll learn all the steps involved in creating your mod, so you'll be able to create a vehicle for GTA V all by yourself.
First and foremost, modding may seem very complex, but it really isn't. Don't believe what people say. Don't be fooled by what people say, and don't think it takes months to build a vehicle. To put it simply, all you need to learn how to do is CONVERTIR a 3D model of GTA V and its materials and textures, not create it from scratch (even if it were possible, it would require a lot of patience and work). I want to clarify one IMPORTANT thing before starting the tutorial: since the beginning of the modding tutorials on GTA V I have more and more messages on my Facebook and Twitter page from people wanting information or to learn new things. I have absolutely nothing against you really, but I almost never answer them for the simple reason that there are far too many of you and you have different problems. The case by case in modding is simply impossible, I cannot give independent modding lessons to each of you, it would take a lot of time knowing that I also have a life outside of YouTube and modding. This tutorial is here to put an end to all these particular questions. Its purpose is to teach you in detail all the steps, detailed and illustrated with screenshots for each of them. I am sorry but I inform you in advance that I will no longer answer independent questions related to this tutorial page. Everything is said, everything is there to succeed, it's up to you to play. Thank you for your understanding.
If you feel ready to start modding your first vehicle for GTA V then simply click the button below to access the table of contents and start the tutorial!