Always On Display on all smartphones
Get Always On Display mode on any Android smartphone without root!
Get Always On Display mode on any Android smartphone without root!
Each tip is accompanied by a detailed video tutorial to help you do it yourself.
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The mode Always On Display is a more or less interesting option, it all depends on you, which is only available on certain smartphones like the Galaxy S7 normally. With this trick you will have it on any smartphone or tablet.
For those who have never heard of Always On Display, it is a display mode that remains present when you turn off the screen of your device. You can imagine that you therefore need a screen AMOLED (It is not mandatory but on a classic screen your battery will go through it very quickly), since on these screens, all black pixels are off and therefore do not consume energy. On your screen there will therefore only be a few pixels lit to display what you have chosen, because yes, you can customize the mode as you wish! Be aware that the battery consumption is not enormous, and that if you wish you can for example set the mode so that it is only activated when charging.
It is possible to display thehourthe battery percentagethe datea calendarthe notifications…etc… Everything is adjustable in the app settings and all settings are shown in the video.
Some additional options are unfortunately only available for the version PRO of the application, including additional skins for the clock.
Other settings are available to adjust the behavior of the application, from which moment it deactivates automatically, use the sensors so that the mode does not activate when your smartphone is in your pocket, from which battery level it should no longer activate, etc. There are really a lot of options.
The app is available for download in the requirements section just below.